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Offended students

Everyone needs to feel safe at AAU. We value a study- and work environment based on respectable behavior and decency, and we expect that all our students and employees help facilitate such an environment. Regardless of this, if a student experiences an offense, they should feel safe approaching their head of studies for help dealing with the situation at hand.

Offended students

Everyone needs to feel safe at AAU. We value a study- and work environment based on respectable behavior and decency, and we expect that all our students and employees help facilitate such an environment. Regardless of this, if a student experiences an offense, they should feel safe approaching their head of studies for help dealing with the situation at hand.

Who must act when an offense has occurred?

The responsibility of acting upon a student’s experience of offense falls to the leader in charge. In most cases the leader in charge will be the head of studies, but sometimes it may also be the head of the study board.