Enter into new international agreements
International cooperation on education and research

Enter into new international agreements
International cooperation on education and research

International cooperation on education
If you want to be part of an international cooperation on education, but are not sure how, please start by completing this form and send it to internationaloffice@aau.dk.
The information you give is not binding but will help us understand the nature of the cooperation you want to become part of and find the correct help for you within Study Service.
If you already know that the cooperation is an ordinary exchange of students between AAU and one international university, please go directly to "Student Mobility".
If you wish to cooperate with another international university on staff exchange, please go to "Staff Mobility". If you aim on establishing a new cooperation within staff and student mobility outside of Europe we recommned you to read about Erasmus+ KA171.
Joint or double degree
If you know that your cooperation aims at a joint or double degree (e.g. but not limited to Erasmus Mundus or Nordic Master) please go straight to the website of "Kvalitet og Analyse" (in Danish) and read the document “0.2.2 Procedure for evaluering og udvikling af uddannelsesporteføljen” (in Danish).
Phone: 9940 9650
Phone: 9940 7576